Get to Know Me!

Four Places I’ve Lived

  1. Mountain Top, PA : This is where I grew up and so began my love affair with nature in this rural area.
  2.  Rockaway Beach, NY : My home away from home when I was a model full time. I miss it so much, the hustle and bustle of the city only 2o minutes away. The beach right across the street from my apartment.
  3. State College, PA :Where I went away to school at Pennsylvania State University. It’s a very cute college town.
  4. Scranton, PA : Where I am currently living finishing up my degree in Human Development/Family Studies and Psychology.


Four Places I Have Visited

My list is very long but these are my four favorites:

  1. The Bahamas : Probably one of the best vacations I’ve ever been on, the beaches are stunning.
  2. Orlando, Florida : Home of Disney World and now made even better because two of my best friends live there!
  3. Los Angles, California : Sunshine, need I say more?
  4. London, England : It may not be the sunniest place in the world but I’ve enjoyed every visit.

Four TV Show’s I Watch

  1. Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries : This is an Australian show that can be found on Netflix if you love the 1920’s and murder mysteries this show is for you too.
  2. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt : I always appreciate a show that can make me cry-laugh and this show does just that.
  3. Crazy Ex Girlfriend : I’ve been a fan of Rachel Bloom for years and pretty much any time a show has musical numbers that show will be my favorite thing.
  4. Scream Queen’s : With an all star cast and dialogue that pushes the boundaries of what can be said on TV this is just a fun show with an amazing all star cast.

Four Favorite Food’s

  1. Pizza (aka rebel produce) I will have a pizza at any time! I just love it.
  2. Sushi : It is a joke amongst my Asian friends that I was born on the wrong country.
  3. Gyro’s : If you’ve never had one you need to go to your nearest Greek Diner IMMEDIATELY!
  4. Salmon : Ive had a love hate relationship with salmon. But my Uncle convinced me to try some last summer and I’ve been hooked ever since.


Four Thing’s I Like to Drink

  1. Tea : I have a cup every morning and I feel really out of sorts when I don’t partake in my daily cuppa!
  2. Lemon Water : I find it so refreshing!
  3. Sweet Tea : The addiction is real, my Southern friends will understand.
  4. Wine : Because I am a classy lady.


Four of My Favorite Books

  1. The Glass Magician by Charlie Homburg : The first in a three part series this story follow’s the journey of young magicians apprentice learning her assigned craft.
  2. Kitty Kitty (Sequel to Bad Kitty) by Michele Jaffe : This series is one of the most unique I’ve ever read. The cast of characters are full of personality what I will always enjoy about this book are the little breaks from the story, full of relevant conversation between the characters in side notes.
  3. Ticker by Lisa Mantchev : Set in the exciting steampunk era this book has so many twists and turns. I often find myself reaching for this book because of the lovable characters and exciting plot.
  4. Black-Eyed Susan’s by Julia Heaberlin : One of the best mystery books I’ve read this year, I would highly recommend this book. It is a little bit on the creepy side but the ending was wonderful.

Four Interesting Jobs I’ve Had

  1. Dog Walker : Best job ever because so many adorable animals.
  2. Marketing: Street Team Member at Harper Collins : A great experience and if you ever get a chance to work on or with a street team, go for it. It is truly unique experience to work with author and fans to spread the word about the series.
  3. Model : One of the longest job’s I’ve had although it’s not my full-time job anymore it allowed me wonderful opportunities, I made so many wonderful friends and let me see the world.
    (the pictures up top were from the last photo shoot I did this year for an urban photography magazine)
  4. Birthday Party Princess : Who doesn’t want to want to make a child smile and wear a sparkly dress.  I’m going to write a blog post on this later so stay tuned!

Four Favorite Hobbies

  1. Writing : One of my biggest dreams is to be a published author one day. But I also really enjoy writing, I started this blog to push myself to write more often because it truly does make me happy.
  2. Water Color Painting :  I’ve always loved how painting can free your mind. You don’t even have to think of anything specific to create something beautiful. Just put brush to paper and creating is so wonderful.
  3. Dancing : Good or bad at this activity it’s just a lot of fun. You can dance to a powerful ballad with so much emotion or just be silly.
  4. Nail Art : I love nail art because even if I don’t have the time to sit and paint everyday  I can still design something on a small scale. I really love how much joy nail art can bring to my friends as well, regular nail art parties have become an monthly  occurrence. I love sharing what I love with them and there are never a shortage of giggles, sweets and fond memories!


Thanks for taking the time to get to know me!
I hope you are having a wonderful week!

