Just Say Yes: Part II

After the overwhelming response from my “Just Say Yes” published on August 22nd,
I decided to turn Just Say Yes into a series.
I hope it inspires you to say yes to things, as I jump out of my comfort zones by doing the same!

As I thought about what I could do to further push myself something obvious popped into my head.
Saying yes to making time for my best self.
This may be a normal thing for some people but not really for me.
Between school and almost three full time jobs it can be hard to make some time just for me.
I try to take baths and have some pamper sessions as often as I can to combat the stress but sometimes that just isn’t enough!

But what to choose in the limitless options we have in the world to do just that?
I decided to take classes at a new studio at least three times a week.
But not just any classes, some yoga classes and some dance classes as well.

Now some of you may be wondering, what is so special about that, so many people take classes all over the world.
Well I haven’t taken any kind of class in ages and to challenge myself even more, I decided to take these classes just by myself.
Not bringing anyone with me.
Saying yes to the challenge of sparking a conversation with someone new and opening myself up to new friendships.

I often feel that others in our age bracket are so hesitant to venture off and do something new or old by themselves.
I understand why of course but I think it is often important to just be by yourself.
I feel like generationally the fear of being alone is so prevalent it can rule over almost everything we do but we must fight that fear.

It was very nerve racking, I was nervous but I’m very glad that i went ahead with it!
I have now fallen in love with Aerial Yoga.
If you haven’t tried it and if it’s offered at a yoga studio near you, I would highly recommend it for sure.
There is an extra level of spirality added to this practice of yoga, hanging in the air and trusting the coupling of the scarves and your body to support you.
Its truly a unique experience.

As for the dance classes so far I have taken out of my comfort zone are Contemporary and Hip Hop.
Two of which I have never taken before.
I work in a dance studio and I can dance but its a whole new game when you take a style you’ve never tried and in a new studio with new instructors.
Half of the challenge is learning how to learn the choreography, how the instructor teaches said choreography and breaking your original motor plan of what dancing is in your own mind for that particular style.
It is a struggle but for the three times I’ve gone these past few weeks it has been amazing totally worth it.

I feel more relaxed and more energized and who doesn’t need more of that in life?!
In fact I find myself so excited to attend the classes I’ve committed to thus far!

I guess the take away once again is don’t be afraid to Just Say Yes!
Don’t be afraid to try something new by yourself and open your life up to new people!

Although it was a bit nerve racking I now have the confidence to go anywhere even without the support of a friend group by my side.
In fact my enthusiasm for trying something new has changed my friends perspective on this topic.
You don’t always have to have a big group with you to try something you’ve always wanted to try!
Just say yes!
Take that class, learn some new dance moves, take a walk by yourself getting in touch with your thoughts and gain even more confidence along the way!

Say yes to becoming your best self.
Just say yes!

Have you tried something you’ve always wanted to try recently?

Let me know in the comments!




Just Say Yes

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I am feeling pretty nostalgic this past evening since summer officially ends today.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the new school year, more things added to my already busy schedule and paper writing…..oh joy.
But that’s not what I want this post to be about.

This time last Sunday I set off on a spontaneous adventure.
As you may or may not know I am no stranger to last minute travel for work.
Airports feel like home to me since I have spent so much of my time in them and I can be packed in 15 minutes.

But this trip was different.
Sometimes different can make me feel a lot of anxiety; especially toward new things.
It was my first time visiting Virginia Beach and a pretty great person.
I had a wonderful time and I’ll be sharing some pictures throughout this post.

But I want to focus on what I learned by just saying yes and deciding to go on this adventure.

From my perspective it is a very important lesson.


I want to encourage just saying yes to things!
Even if saying yes makes you nervous.
Go on that trip with excitement in your eyes and hope in my heart.
Go to that party.
Accept that invitation.
Say yes a new  challenge!
Take on that new project!

Just say yes!

When you say yes to things, saying those words can open so many new opportunities, new friends, and  going places you have never been before.
When you take the opprotunties that are presented to you, you will be able to get more out of life.

When you just say yes to things in life, you let go of fears, insecurities and anxieties.
It may be a small step in your eyes, it may be a big step or it may not seem life a very big deal to you at all.
But  the prospect of missing out on an experiences, missing out on living life, I feel like that is more terrifying than anything.
Just go out and do it!
We can’t let anxiety or anything really stop us in life.

Sometimes moments in life are worth taking a chance.
Sometimes people in life are worth taking a chance on.
New adventures await around every corner if you are brave enough to seek them out.

Just saying yes for me in this moment meant being an hour early to the airport
(partly because I wasn’t sure about security things)
Only being able to read 10 pages of a book while waiting in said airport because I couldn’t wait for the adventure to begin.
Getting on a tiny airplane.
(smallest one ever, but strangely adorable)
AND my favorite part, hugging the person you are going to visit when you arrive.
(Let’s face it, hugs are the best)

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Maybe things won’t be perfect.
Maybe you will have to be flexible.
But you will get to make great memories!
At the very least you will have had a new experience!
And with the new experience the confidence to know you can just say yes to something else in the future.

But you will never know unless you take a chance.

I for one, am going to start just say yes more often.
What is life without new adventures.

I certainly would have been sad to miss out on this one.
Being brave and just saying yes made my heart so happy.
Not only because of the fun things I got to experience but also the confidence it gave me for present and future.
With the confidence to try new things, you can be unstoppable.
It was nice to have a change of pace.
My adventure was full of hugs, sun & sand, amazing food, thoughtful surprises and just a truly wonderful person to share the whole experience with.
I am sure you are well aware that I am a firm believer that it’s the people who are with your that make an experience great.

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Saying yes was a great decision and I am so glad I didn’t miss out on an opportunity to make memories with someone I enjoy spending time with.

Now go out and say yes to your next great adventure!
Even if it might be a small one.

You won’t regret it, I promise!
In fact, you may leave your adventure excited to plan another.


What have you said yes to this summer?
Have you gone on any great adventures?

Let me know in the comments!

